Friday, September 29, 2006

Day 6- "His"

Day 6- "His"
Oh yeah, this is the one I've been looking forward to! So, "His." What do we know grammatically about the word? Well, it is a possessive pronoun for the male gender. So for instance instead of saying, "The dog belongs to Bob," you could say, "The dog is his." In the context of this verse, who does "his" represent? if the example sentence's "his" represents "Bob," who does the verse's "his" represent? On day 1 "I" represented Paul, so does "his" also represent Paul? Ah, no. It represents Him who is I AM THAT I AM! The Author and Perfector, the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First, the Last, the One who upholds all things by His powerful word, Who stretched out the skies, Who threw the stars into place, Who set kings on the thrones and utterly obliterated other rulers, Who is the Word in the beginning, Who is the Amen at the end, Who controls time, is Who He is, the Son, Who humbled Himself even to death on a cross and God the Father gave Him the name that is above every name--even Karl Marx, Nebuchadnezzer, Jonah, Jeremiah, Moses, Hitler, Neitzshe, Stalin, Bush, Hussein, Ben Zornes, Your name, Billy Graham, Speilberg, Frodo Baggins, C.S. Lewis, Freud, Napolean, King Arthur, David, Saul, Adam, Eve, Mother Theresa, My mom, Hillary Clinton, Barbara Streisland, Julia Roberts, Johnny Depp, Kiera Knightly--that at His name every knee--including the above names--will bow and every tongue--even the staunchest atheist--confess that He is Lord to the glory of His Father; HIS NAME IS JESUS CHRIST MESSIAH!
And so, does this help us understand better who "His" is? His is supremacy, dominion, power, glory, praise, worship, adoration, wealth, wisdom, love, faith, joy, peace, wrath, death, life, need I go on? So, if Paul is praying with his knees bowed, with the intent that according to, "HIS." Yeah, it is ALL HIS so he can give out of it, and bestow whatever he chooses, whether blessing or curse, rain or shine. He can impart wisdom or foolishness, he can reveal and he can blind, and finally he can do what Paul is earnestly desiring for us...strength. Yet, by extension he can also impart weakness. However, when I am weak them He is strong...but that is for another day!