Friday, September 29, 2006

Day 5- "of"

Day 5- "of"
OK, by now I know you're thinking what in the world can one possibly get out of the word "of." What does of mean and how can it help me understand this scripture better?! Well, the first thing that came to my heart and mind was a sermon I heard preached about the different spirit's or influences we can be under or "of." For example there's the spirit of the Law, the Antichrist or of holiness! The preacher, Norm Wakefield, continually asked throughout the sermon, "What spirit are YOU of?!" Meaning what influence holds sway on you, which spirit do I take part in, what authority persuades me what to do? So, since that sermon, I have asked myself, "Ben, What Spirit are you of?" And my answer must be "The Holy Spirit is what I am of." You see when we allow ourselves to be "of" a spirit we give that Spirit (or influence) absolute sway over our thoughts, affections, desires, goals, dreams, attitudes, etc. In effect when we are OF something we resemble or accurately imitate it. I am OF my parents, meaning I came from them, I resemble them, I imitate them, I'm the spittin' image OF my Pa, get the point? Out OF his glorious riches! Ah...meaning when Jesus strengthens us with power (in the following sentence) it is OF (meaning accurately imitates or manifests) His glorious riches. I'll discuss glorious riches later, but it is important to understand OF. Because OF is a key to a lot of sentences. If we found a forgotten painting of da Vinci, we would say as we studied it that, "This is of (it accurately represents, depicts, imitates) da Vinci." Hence, I pray that out of his glorious riches...shows us that his glorious riches will be imputed to us and we will be given the exact representation of his glorious riches (oh boy and wait until we talk about his glorious riches!). Hmm...that phrase "exact representation" reminds me of a verse in Hebrews 1:3 "The Son is the radiance of God's glory and the EXACT REPRESENTATION of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word, NIV." Do you see it? Right after exact representation...OF his being!!!! Beautiful isn't it! I pray that you may receive the exact representation of his glorious riches (oh boy I can't wait for glorious and riches! For now think about Jesus Character traits!).