Tuesday, January 17, 2006

When enough becomes More than Enough

I am distraught. I am dissilusioned. How does something so beautiful become so tragic? I have seen all to often the devastation our pride and selfishness causes the Bride of Christ.

I want to introduce you to a concept that has been in my heart and mind for several years. Numerous Christians are leaving the "traditional model" of church for more intimate, and less rigid forms of fellowship. House churches are springing up, casual church is catching on. However, our concept of church is still in need of refining.

When Martin Luther posted his 95 theses to the church in Germany, he sparked a move towards what Christ intended his church to be. However, after years of ignoring problems in our churches we have returned to what the Reformation sacrificed many lives for. If the church continues in a path of putting flesh before Spirit, pride before humility, then it as an istitution will fail. Ultimately, it is inevitable. God does not desire sacrifice but obedience, and the Church is not being obedient to what Christ laid out. Thus, as believers I believe there is a stirring amongst us. We can all feel that tinge of reformation tugging at us in Sunday School, or worship services. Something, that once was there, is now missing. The Commands and Example of Christ is missing.

Therefore, will you rise up and become a Reformationary? Will you lay it all out on the line to see how Christ will use your insignificane to reform His church and to make her the beautiful warrior bride he intended her to be.

This is the vision of saints and martyrs throughout the centuries and we must join with them to the Glory of the Father. Join with me on this epic and enormous journey for the renown of our Father and Saviour and Counselor!

For His renown and to His Kingdom!